Creative Ways To Motivate Your Children

All children need to be motivated from time to time during their development process. This is to be expected as a parent. We thought it would be a good idea to share with you a few creative ways to push, nudge, motivate your children towards success. Giving the old pep talk doesn’t work all the time, so you have to reach a little deeper into your bag of tricks.

Creative Ways To Motivate Your Children

Creative Ways To Motivate Your Children

Creative Ways To Motivate Your Children

Let’s jump into a few different techniques we use that you might be able to incorporate into your parenting tactics.

The Baby Technique

If your child is a baby currently, then this won’t work. We have “big boys” in our home, so this technique is rather effective and funny. Any time they do something they are not or forget a chore, instead of going off on them, yelling or getting your blood pressure up, try talking to them like little babies.

I do this all the time with our oldest 12 year old son. He will neglect a chore and I will talk to him like he is a 1 year old baby about the situation, even while he is completing the neglected task. He can’t stand it, but the point is driven home that babies need people to follow up behind them and if he wants to be treated like a big boy, then he needs to take responsibility for his chores and actions.

Peanut Butter Diet

This technique was developed by my wife. If the children do something they are not suppose to be doing and are going to be punished, she will put them on a peanut butter diet. This means that is all they get for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This typically comes in the form of peanut butter sandwich with water. They quickly figure out that the behavior they distributed is not going to be tolerated and their actions change almost immediately.

Once you do this a few times, you might even find just the mere thought of the peanut butter diet will get them to get back in line and act right.

Vision Board Construction

I don’t want this article to be all negative, so here is a wonderful motivation technique. Encourage your children to do vision boards. You have heard of this concept of putting images of your goals and dreams on a board to keep handy. It allows you to remember why you work so hard. This is a perfect exercise for your children as well to keep them motivated while teaching you a lot about how they think and what their goals are.

Exposure to life and their passions

There is nothing like real life experiences to get the juices of motivation flowing in your children. Be sure to take them out to various plays, shows, museums, and more. The more experiences and exposure to life they can have the better. It will help them to see their goals and dreams in action to have a better opportunity to make more informed decisions about their life and future direction.

Your time as a parent doesn’t have to be all dull and boring. You can have fun with your children, expose them to new things in life and watch how they grow in the process. It can be some of the best motivation available and all it takes is a little time.

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